Friday, 28 August 2020

Ski Trip DLO

The year 7 and 8's went on a ski trip to Porters Heights and we went and got a lesson. I was put in the advanced group because I had been skiing lots before here is Emma and my DLO

Friday, 14 August 2020

I'm A River Poem

For conservation week we had to create a poem from the perspective of an animal or something that could be effected by the way people treat the earth and the things on it I chose a river. 
this is my poem!

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Maui's journey around New Zealand

An important part of learning about a language and 
culture is to get to know the stories that belong to 
that culture. This week listen to the story, ‘How Mauī 
Came to Maitahi - Bruce Bay.’  It is also Matariki at the 
moment and part of Matariki is to take time to tell and 

listen to stories.
WALT: understand some of the important stories to Māori culture and to our local areas.
Success Criteria: watch the story of ‘Māui’s arrival in Maitahi/Mahitahi’ and discuss as a class what we learnt in this story.